Sunday, June 23, 2013

Doctors make progress toward 'artificial pancreas'

This October 2012 image provided by Medtronic shows the MiniMed Integrated System device, which doctors are reporting as a major step toward an "artificial pancreas." The device that would constantly monitor blood sugar in people with diabetes and automatically supply insulin as needed. According to the company-sponsored study announced Saturday, June 22, 2013 at an American Diabetes Association conference in Chicago the device worked as intended in a three-month study of 247 patients. (AP Photo/Medtronic)

This October 2012 image provided by Medtronic shows the MiniMed Integrated System device, which doctors are reporting as a major step toward an "artificial pancreas." The device that would constantly monitor blood sugar in people with diabetes and automatically supply insulin as needed. According to the company-sponsored study announced Saturday, June 22, 2013 at an American Diabetes Association conference in Chicago the device worked as intended in a three-month study of 247 patients. (AP Photo/Medtronic)

Doctors are reporting a major step toward an "artificial pancreas," a device that would constantly monitor blood sugar in people with diabetes and automatically supply insulin as needed.

A key component of such a system ? an insulin pump programmed to shut down if blood-sugar dips too low while people are sleeping ? worked as intended in a three-month study of 247 patients.

This "smart pump," made by Minneapolis-based Medtronic Inc., is already sold in Europe, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is reviewing it now. Whether it also can be programmed to mimic a real pancreas and constantly adjust insulin based on continuous readings from a blood-sugar monitor requires more testing, but doctors say the new study suggests that's a realistic goal.

"This is the first step in the development of the artificial pancreas," said Dr. Richard Bergenstal, diabetes chief at Park Nicollet, a large clinic in St. Louis Park, Minn. "Before we said it's a dream. We have the first part of it now and I really think it will be developed."

He led the company-sponsored study and gave results Saturday at an American Diabetes Association conference in Chicago. They also were published online by the New England Journal of Medicine.

The study involved people with Type 1 diabetes, the kind usually diagnosed during childhood. About 5 percent of the 26 million Americans with diabetes have this type. Their bodies don't make insulin, a hormone needed to turn food into energy. That causes high blood-sugar levels and raises the risk for heart disease and many other health problems.

Some people with the more common Type 2 diabetes, the kind linked to obesity, also need insulin and might also benefit from a device like an artificial pancreas. For now, though, it's aimed at people with Type 1 diabetes who must inject insulin several times a day or get it through a pump with a narrow tube that goes under the skin. The pump is about the size of a cellphone and can be worn on a belt or kept in a pocket.

The pumps give a steady amount of insulin, and patients must monitor their sugar levels and give themselves more insulin at meals or whenever needed to keep blood sugar from getting too high.

A big danger is having too much insulin in the body overnight, when blood-sugar levels naturally fall. People can go into comas, suffer seizures and even die. Parents of children with diabetes often worry so much about this that they sneak into their bedrooms at night to check their child's blood-sugar monitor.

In the study, all patients had sensors that continuously monitored their blood sugar. Half of them had ordinary insulin pumps and the others had pumps programmed to stop supplying insulin for two hours when blood-sugar fell to a certain threshold.

Over three months, low-sugar episodes were reduced by about one-third in people using the pump with the shut-off feature. Importantly, these people had no cases of severely low blood sugar ? the most dangerous kind that require medical aid or help from another person. There were four cases in the group using the standard pump.

"As a first step, I think we should all be very excited that it works," an independent expert, Dr. Irl Hirsch of the University of Washington in Seattle, said of the programmable pump.

The next step is to test having it turn off sooner, before sugar falls so much, and to have it automatically supply insulin to prevent high blood sugar, too.

Dr. Anne Peters, a diabetes specialist at the University of Southern California, said the study "represents a major step forward" for an artificial pancreas.

One participant, Spears Mallis, 34, a manager for a cancer center in Gainesville, Ga., wishes these devices were available now. He typically gets low-sugar about 8 to 10 times a week, at least once a week while he's asleep.

"I would set an alarm in the middle of the night just to be sure I was OK. That will cause you to not get a good night of rest," he said.

His "smart pump" stopped giving insulin several times during the study when his sugar fell low, and he wasn't always aware of it. That's a well-known problem for people with Type 1 diabetes ? over time, "you become less and less sensitive to feeling the low blood sugars" and don't recognize symptoms in time to drink juice or do something else to raise sugar a bit, he said.

Besides Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson and several other research groups are working on artificial pancreas devices.



Diabetes info:


Marilynn Marchione can be followed at

Associated Press


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China TV shows men catching girl from 5-story fall

BEIJING (AP) ? Chinese state television has shown men catching a 2-and-a-half-year-old girl who apparently fell from a fifth-story window.

The girl, Qiqi, escaped with small scrapes on her face.

The security camera footage aired by CCTV showed a group of men in an alley pointing and looking up the side of a building. They dash into a huddle just as the youngster falls into their arms.

CCTV said workers at a delivery company nearby heard the girl crying as her legs dangled out the window. The report quoted her parents as saying they left Qiqi home alone while she was sleeping but she climbed onto the windowsill after she woke.

It happened Thursday in Ninghai, in eastern Zhejiang province.


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

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Friday, June 21, 2013

A look at the immigration bill before the Senate

A look at the immigration overhaul bill now before the Senate, and details of a compromise border security amendment proposed Thursday by GOP Sens. John Hoeven of North Dakota and Bob Corker of Tennessee. The amendment has been agreed to by Democratic and Republican authors of the bill and is expected to be voted on within the next few days:



In the underlying bill:

?The bill sets goals of 100 percent surveillance of the border with Mexico and 90 percent of would-be crossers caught or turned back.

?Within six months of enactment of the bill, the Homeland Security Department must develop a border security plan to achieve those goals, including the use of drones, additional agents and other approaches; and develop a separate plan to identify where more fencing is needed.

?If the goals of a 90 percent effectiveness rate and continuous surveillance on the border are not met within five years, a Southern Border Security Commission would be established with border-state governors and others to determine how to achieve them.

?Before anyone in the U.S. illegally can get a new provisional legal status, the border security and border fencing plans must be in place. Before they can get permanent residency, the plans must be substantially completed, and a new entry-exit system must also be implemented at U.S. seaports and airports to track people coming and going. A mandatory system for employers to check workers' legal status must also be in place.

?About 3,500 new customs agents would be hired.

?The National Guard would be deployed to the border to build fencing and checkpoints and perform other tasks.

?Funding would be provided to increase border-crossing prosecutions and to create more border patrol stations.

In the Corker-Hoeven amendment:

?The amendment adds 20,000 new Border Patrol agents, doubling the deployment along the U.S.-Mexico border.

?It calls for 700 miles of border fencing to be completed, including 350 miles of new fencing to supplement 350 already in place.

?Instead of calling on the Homeland Security Department to develop a border security plan, the amendment includes details on what the plan must contain. This includes a dozen additional surveillance drones and an array of other high-tech devices to monitor the border with Mexico, including cameras and observation towers, seismic imaging and thermal imaging, and an airborne radar system initially used by the military.

?No one could get a green card until all these steps are in place. Government officials including the secretaries of Homeland Security and Defense must certify to Congress that the security measures have been implemented.



?The estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally could obtain "registered provisional immigrant status" six months after enactment of the bill as long as:

(1) The Homeland Security Department has developed border security and fencing plans.

(2) They arrived in the U.S. prior to Dec. 31, 2011, and maintained continuous physical presence since then.

(3) They do not have a felony conviction or three or more misdemeanors.

(4) They pay a $500 fine.

?People in provisional legal status could work and travel in the U.S. but would not be eligible for most federal benefits, including health care and welfare.

?The provisional legal status lasts six years and is renewable for another six years for $500.

?People deported for noncriminal reasons can apply to re-enter in provisional status if they have a spouse or child who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or if they had been brought to the U.S. as a child.

?After 10 years in provisional status, immigrants can seek a green card and lawful permanent resident status if they are current on their taxes and pay a $1,000 fine, have maintained continuous physical presence in the U.S., meet work requirements and learn English. Also the border triggers must have been met, and all people waiting to immigrate through the legal system as of the date of enactment of the legislation must have been dealt with.

?People brought to the country as youths would be able to get green cards in five years, and citizenship immediately thereafter.



?The cap on the H-1B visa program for high-skilled workers would be immediately raised from 65,000 a year to 110,000 a year, with 25,000 more set aside for people with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering or math from a U.S. school. The cap could go as high as 180,000 a year depending on demand.

?New protections would crack down on companies that use H-1B visas to train workers in the U.S. only to ship them back overseas.

?Immigrants with certain extraordinary abilities, such as professors, researchers, multinational executives and athletes, would be exempted from existing green-card limits. So would graduates of U.S. universities with job offers and degrees in science, technology, engineering or math.

?A startup visa would be made available to foreign entrepreneurs seeking to come to the U.S. to start a company.

?A new merit visa, for a maximum of 250,000 people a year, would award points to prospective immigrants based on their education, employment, length of residence in the U.S. and other considerations. Those with the most points would earn the visas.

?The bill would eliminate the government's Diversity Visa Lottery Program, which randomly awards 55,000 visas to immigrants from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States, so that more visas can be awarded for employment and merit ties.



?A new W visa would allow up to 200,000 low-skilled workers a year into the country for jobs in construction, long-term care, hospitality and other industries.

?A new agriculture worker visa program would be established to replace the existing program. Agriculture workers already here illegally, who've worked in the industry at least two years, could qualify in another five years for green cards if they stay in the industry.



?Under current law, U.S. citizens can sponsor spouses, children and siblings to come to the U.S., with limits on some categories. The bill would bar citizens from sponsoring their siblings and would allow them to sponsor married sons and daughters only if those children are under age 31.

?Legal permanent residents can currently sponsor spouses and children, but the numbers are limited. The bill eliminates that limit.



?Within four years, all employers must implement E-Verify, a program to electronically verify their workers' legal status. As part of that, noncitizens would be required to show photo ID that must match with a photo in the E-Verify system.


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Virginia Republican lieutenant governor candidate E. W. Jackson said that the American government has been worse for "the black family" than slavery was during an event on Wednesday to celebrate Juneteenth, the holiday marking the end of slavery. "In 1960 most black children were raised in two parent monogamous families," Jackson said, according to the Virginia Daily Press. "By now, by this time, we only have 20 percent of black children being raised in two-parent monogamous families with a married man and woman raising those children. It wasn't slavery that did that. ...


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Vice President Meets With Fallen Warriors' Children

Vice President Meets With Fallen Warriors? Children

By Marine Corps Cpl. Michael Iams
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

MARINE CORPS AIR STATION CAMP PENDLETON, Calif., June 19, 2013 ? Vice President Joe Biden visited with more than 40 children participating in the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors at Hanger 6 here June 14 as part of a four-day Good Grief Camp at Palomar Mountain.

TAPS brings together children who have lost a military parent. Program participants learn healthy coping skills.

?This camp allows the children to get together and see that they are not alone in their grief,? said Bonnie Carroll, president and founder of TAPS. ?Here [the children] are able to have fun and be around other children who have experienced the same feelings of loss.?

During their camp, the children and their Marine mentors visited the air station where they viewed aircraft like the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter, the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Packbot and reconnaissance gear.

?We volunteer to help these children cope with the pain of their loss,? said Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Omar Hawkins, a warehousemen with Headquarters and Support Battalion and a TAPS mentor. ?Most of us have also lost a loved one and understand how they feel as we help them through their time of need.?

The children and mentors received a surprise visit from Vice President Joe Biden and his family as they landed at Camp Pendleton in Air Force 2.

?I just want to say how honored we are to be here,? said Biden?s wife, Dr. Jill Biden, who accompanied her husband. She noted that her son, Beau, deployed to Iraq a few years ago as a member of the Army National Guard. She and First Lady Michelle Obama champion the ?Joining Forces? initiative, which seeks support for military families and works to connect service members, veterans and military spouses with the resources they need to find jobs at home.

The Bidens emphasized the importance of finding someone to help through the difficult times.

?It?s important to be around people who understand what you?re going through,? the vice president told the children. ?I hope that is what you find out here at this camp. I hope you find that there are a lot of kids who understand and will be there for you.?

Biden sat with the children and answered their questions while they all ate ice cream.

?I asked the vice president how many states he has been to,? said Lily Blish, an 8-year-old who lost her father to cancer seven years ago. ?I would like to travel a lot like he does.?

After talking with the vice president, the children were able take a photo with him and get a tour of Air Force 2.

?This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the children to be able to meet with the vice president and ask him any question they want,? said Brad Gallup, a team grief facilitator with TAPS. ?This also let [the children] know they are still connected to the military community and how important they are.?


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Digital 3-D atlas of brain reveals tiny details

NEW YORK (AP) ? Scientists have a new brain atlas to help them study their favorite organ. It's a digital, three-dimensional model called "BigBrain."

Its resolution is finer than a human hair, so it can reveal clusters of brain cells and even some large individual cells. It is being made available to scientists around the world.

To make the atlas, researchers sliced a cadaver brain from a 65-year-old woman into 7,400 thin sections, stained them to reveal tiny features, and photographed each one. Then they used computers to combine the data into a 3-D digital model.

The idea of thin-slicing a brain to study its anatomy is not new. In fact, complete bodies of a man and a woman were sliced and photographed about 20 years ago to create an anatomy reference called the Visible Human Project.

For the new brain-mapping project, the researchers chose the woman's brain for no special reason other than it was basically healthy, said Katrin Amunts of Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf in Germany.

She is lead author of a report on the atlas published Thursday in the journal Science. Scientists have begun mapping data from other brain studies onto the new model to gain new insights, said senior author Karl Zilles of the Juelich Aachen Research Alliance in Juelich, Germany.




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Pin-Size Battery Printed in 3-D

microscopic battery

Image: Sun, K. et al. Adv. Mater.

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A new lithium-ion battery is one of the smallest ever made and the first battery to be created with a three-dimensional printer. Measuring less than a millimeter on each side, it fits comfortably on the head of pin and could potentially power tiny medical devices or miniature robots.

3D printers make objects from the ground up by depositing successive layers of material on top of each other. Most 3D printers manipulate plastic, which is useful for prototyping or crafting toys and knickknacks. Making a working battery required a custom machine that laid down new materials loaded with lithium-metal-oxide particles.

"We're trying to take 3D printing to the next level by printing functional materials," says Jennifer Lewis, a materials scientist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, whose team presented the microbattery 17 June in Advanced Materials.

While squeezing out the nanoparticles like toothpaste, the printer's nozzle drew a pair of five-fingered electrodes interlocked together like hands clasped in prayer. The paste hardened and the process was repeated, again and again, to add more layers and thicken the rechargeable battery.

The final product included up to 16 strata submerged in an electrolyte solution and weighed less than 100 micrograms. Yet it stored almost as much energy, gram for gram, as larger lithium-ion batteries that run laptops and electric cars. And the power it dished out, 2.7 milliwatts per square centimeter of area covered, rivaled the capabilities of other cutting-edge microbatteries developed in recent years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Printable batteries also promise to be especially adaptable. With a few tweaks, Lewis could super-size her battery. Or she could tailor its shape to suit a particular application.

"The fact that she can print these in arbitrary sizes is extremely exciting," says Robert Wood, a roboticist at Harvard who wasn't involved in the study. "The customizability is really appealing."

Wood builds RoboBees, insect-sized robots that fly and consume an inconveniently large amount of power while doing so. Currently that power is supplied via a wire: No off-the-shelf batteries are light enough. But printed batteries packed together might provide just enough juice to get the bots off the ground.

Batteries and bees are just one step toward much grander goal. Lewis has already figured out how to print 3D antennas and flexible wires made of silver. Ultimately she hopes to be able to print entire electronic devices from scratch ? creating not just the shell of a hearing aid, for instance, but its microphone, speaker, circuitry and power source in the ultimate do-it-yourself project.

This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on June 20, 2013.


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Mindfulness can increase wellbeing and reduce stress in school children

June 19, 2013 ? Mindfulness -- a mental training that develops sustained attention that can change the ways people think, act and feel -- could reduce symptoms of stress and depression and promote wellbeing among school children, according to a new study published online by the British Journal of Psychiatry.

With the summer exam season in full swing, school children are currently experiencing higher levels of stress than at any other time of year. The research showed that interventions to reduce stress in children have the biggest impact at this time of year. There is growing evidence that mindfulness-based approaches for adults are effective at enhancing mental health and wellbeing. However, very few controlled trials have evaluated their effectiveness among young people.

A team of researchers led by Professor Willem Kuyken from the University of Exeter, in association with the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge and the Mindfulness in Schools Project, recruited 522 pupils, aged between 12 and 16 years, from 12 secondary schools to take part in the study. 256 pupils at six of the schools were taught the Mindfulness in Schools Project's curriculum, a nine week introduction to mindfulness designed for the classroom.

Richard Burnett who co-created the curriculum said: "Our mindfulness curriculum aims to engage even the most cynical of adolescent audience with the basics of mindfulness. We use striking visuals, film clips and activities to bring it to life without losing the expertise and integrity of classic mindfulness teaching."

The other 266 pupils at the other six schools did not receive the mindfulness lessons, and acted as a control group.

All the pupils were followed up after a three month period. The follow-up was timed to coincide with the summer exam period -- which is a potential time of high stress for young people. The researchers found that those children who participated in the mindfulness programme reported fewer depressive symptoms, lower stress and greater wellbeing than the young people in the control group. Encouragingly, around 80% of the young people said they continued using practices taught in MiSP's mindfulness curriculum after completing the nine week programme. Teachers and schools also rated the curriculum as worthwhile and very enjoyable to learn and teach.

Lead researcher Professor Kuyken said: "Our findings provide promising evidence of the effectiveness of MiSP's curriculum. We found that those young people who took part in the programme had fewer low-grade depressive symptoms, both immediately after completing the programme and at three-month follow-up. This is potentially a very important finding, given that low-grade depressive symptoms can impair a child's performance at school, and are also a risk factor for developing adolescent and adult depression."

Professor Katherine Weare, who has been instrumental in promoting the teaching of resilience in schools, said: "These findings are likely to be of great interest to our overstretched schools who are trying to find simple, cost effective and engaging ways to promote the resilience of their students -- and of their staff too -- at times when adolescence is becoming increasingly challenging, staff under considerable stress, and schools under a good deal of pressure to deliver on all fronts. This study demonstrates that mindfulness shows great promise in promoting wellbeing and reducing problems -- which is in line with our knowledge of how helpful well designed and implemented social and emotional learning can be. The next step is to carry out a randomised controlled trial into the MiSP curriculum, involving more schools, pupils and longer follow-ups."

Professor Felicia Huppert of the University of Cambridge said: "The findings also support the argument that mindfulness training can enhance the psychological well-being of all pupils, not just those who have symptoms associated with common mental health problems. Psychological well-being has been linked to better learning, social relationships and academic performance, so the enhancement of well-being is likely to improve a range of outcomes in the school context."


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A Phone Full of Cheap Apps Is Your Deal of the Day

A Phone Full of Cheap Apps Is Your Deal of the Day

After the holiday season, early summer is the second best time to pick up some discounted digital games. Steam's summer sale is coming soon, but right now there are a ton of apps on sale for both iOS and Android, some of which are no-brainers, like the original Sonic The Hedgehog for $1. Actual smartphone not included.

Under "Top Deals" you'll find all the iOS and Android deals currently going on. If you've got an iDevice, you should definitely check out Infinity Blade 2: it's $1 today, down from $7, and it sports some of the nicest graphics you'll ever see on your iOS computer. If you've got an Android phone, maybe you want to check out SwiftKey, which is widely considered to be the best replacement Android keyboard. That's half off today, down to $2.

Unlike most app deals on Dealzmodo, today we're including all the apps on sale, not just the ones that went on sale in the last 24 hours, so this is as complete a list as you'll find. If we missed one, shout it out in the comments. Isn't it nice when a centralized app store and DRM actually makes games cheaper?

Top Deals


? Galaxy at War Online ($0) | iTunes via Appshopper | Originally $5

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? Swiftkey ($2) | Google Play via App-sales | Originally $4

? Chaos Rings ($4.49) | Google Play via App-sales | Originally $9

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? Final Fantasy III ($8) | Google Play via App-sales | Originally $15

? Chaos Rings II ($8) | Google Play via App-sales | Originally $16

? Broken Sword II: Smoking Mirror ($1) | Google Play via Ben's Bargains | Originally $5

? World War Z ($1) | Google Play via Apps-aholic | Originally $4

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? Crystal Defenders ($4) | Google Play via Appsales | Originally $7

? Kainy ($1) | Google Play via Appsales | Originally $3

? Wordsmith ($1) | Google Play via Appsales | Originally $3

? Word Crack ($1) | Google Play via Appsales | Originally $3


A Phone Full of Cheap Apps Is Your Deal of the Day

I swear, every time I buy one of these FM transmitters it's because I'm starting a road trip and I have no way to play music from my phone in the car. Because of my poor planning, I'm usually picking up a cheapo off-brand transmitter from a gas station for somewhere around $30. The smart move is to pick one up now, before you need it. [Groupon]

? Griffin iTrip FM Transmitter ($12) | Groupon via TechDealDigger | Originally $20

? Logitech T620 Touch Mouse ($20) | Staples via Ben's Bargains | Originally $30

? 2TB Seagate Expansion HD ($80) | Newegg via Dealmac | Originally $100

? $40 Staples Gift Card ($25) | Groupon via Deals Kinja | Save $15

? Wacom CTH670 Bamboo Create Pen Tablet ($100) | Tiger Direct via Deals Kinja | Lowest price ever after $80 rebate

? PNY Class 10 32GB SDHC Card ($23) | Best Buy via Deals Kinja | Today only


A Phone Full of Cheap Apps Is Your Deal of the Day

? iLaunch Thunder Missle Launcher ($30) | Groupon via Edealinfo | Originally $60, still $55 at Amazon

? Craftsman Bypass Pruner ($5) | Sears via Slickdeal | Originally $10 | I'm an anvil guy but these'll work too

? Cuisinart Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt Maker ($35) | Sears via Deals Kinja | Factory refurbished, excellent reviews

? Lego City 4203 Excavator ($30) | Amazon via Ben's Bargains | Originally $50

? Philips Wake-Up Light ($56) | Amazon via Fatwallet | Originally $70

? Intel Core i5-4670K Haswell ($335) | Newegg via Ben's Bargains | Originally $400

? 50% off Dog Sitting | Amazon Local via Fatwallet

? $30 off $60 of Thinkgeek Exclusives | Thinkgeek | Use coupon code DROPCARGO



? Tomb Raider + FREE Hitman: Absolution [Steam] ($40) | Amazon

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? Max Payne 3 ($10) | Newegg via Daily Game Deals | Use code EMCXPVX246

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? Far Cry 3 ($20) | Amazon

Playstation 4 bundles, get your Playstation 4 bundles right here.

? Far Cry 3 ($20) | Amazon

? Assassin's Creed 3 ($20) | Amazon

? Red Dead GOTY ($20) | Amazon via Daily Game Deals


? Yeti Pro USB Microphone ($160) | BuyDig via Dealmac | Originally $200 | Use coupon code PODPRO

? Pioneer Noise Cancelling Earbuds ($35) | Amazon via Deals Kinja | Lowest price ever


Go naked.

Dumb TV ? Smart TV

? Mohu Leaf Ultimate Amplified Indoor Antenna ($50) | DealFisher via Cheapskate Blog | Originally $80

? Refurb Elgator EyeTV HD Video Recorder ($128) | Other World Computing via Dealmac | Originally $160

Physical Media

? 5 (Mediocre) Comic Book Movies on Blu-ray ($20) | Amazon via Brand Name Coupons | Originally $30

5 Mediocre comic movies? You mean 1 excellent comic movie, 1 pretty good comic movie, 1 mediocre comic movie, and 2 god awful comic movies. - Commenter CrapMcPoopin

? Sopranos Complete Series [DVD] ($125) | Amazon | Lowest price ever | What a classic show

Digital Media

George Orwell's masterpiece in Newspeak is $3 on Kindle and Google Play. [Deals Kinja]

? George Orwell's 1984 ($3) | Amazon or Google Play via Deals Kinja | Lowest price ever


? AMD A6 Radeon HD 7500G Laptop from HP ($380) | Tiger Direct via Deals Kinja




No tablet deals, but hella tablet app deals up top.


A Phone Full of Cheap Apps Is Your Deal of the Day

This is a great deal on a 1080p Dell monitor.

? 23" Dell Monitor ($140) | Newegg via Hard Forum | Originally $190 | Use coupon code EMCXPVX45


Best Buy's doing their iPhone trade in program again. Basically, if you trade in an pristine iPhone 4S, you can save $150 off your next smartphone. I think that's a little low?I have an upgrade now but I'm passing on this deal?but I suspect it might be just the ticket for some folks.

? Verizon HTC Droid DNA w/ 2-Year Contract ($0) | Amazon via Fatwallet | Originally $200

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Dem senator presses Pentagon on Guantanamo feeding

(AP) ? The force-feeding of terror suspects at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, runs counter to international standards, medical ethics and the practices at American prisons, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in pressing the Pentagon to establish a more humane treatment.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who traveled to Guantanamo earlier this month, wrote in a letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel that she opposes the force-feeding of prisoners who have been on a hunger strike to protest their conditions and indefinite confinement.

As of Wednesday, 104 of the 166 prisoners at the U.S. detention facility were on hunger strike and 44 were being fed to prevent dangerous weight loss. One of the men was hospitalized for observation but did not have a life-threatening condition, said Army Lt. Col. Samuel House, a spokesman for the detention center on the U.S. base in Cuba.

"Hunger strikes are a long-known form of non-violent protest aimed at bringing attention to a cause, rather than an attempt of suicide," Feinstein wrote. "I believe that the current approach raises very important ethical questions and complicates the difficult situation regarding the continued indefinite detention at Guantanamo."

Feinstein said that during her June 7 visit to the installation with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, they were briefed on the Pentagon policies on handling prisoners on hunger strikes. Since then, a review by committee staff found significant differences between how the Pentagon force-feeds detainees at Guantanamo and how it is done by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

She said the U.S. prison system has several safeguards in place that do not exist at Guantanamo.

At Guantanamo, "all detainees being force-fed ? regardless of their level of cooperation ? are placed in chairs where they are forcibly restrained. The visual impression is one of restraint: of arms, legs, and body. Further, at Guantanamo Bay, detainees are fed twice a day in this manner, potentially over a substantial period of time."

After their trip, Feinstein and McCain issued a statement saying they favor closing the detention facility and moving the prisoners to other locations.

The defense bill approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee last week includes a provision that allows the temporary transfer of terror suspects to a Defense Department medical facility in the United States to prevent the death or significant imminent harm to a prisoner's health.

However, the full Senate is not expected to consider the bill until the fall and lawmakers are likely to try to change the provision.


Associated Press writer Ben Fox at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Metadata Librarian, Rutgers University ? NJ | SLA New Jersey Chapter

The Rutgers University Libraries (RUL), Technical and Automated Services, seek an innovative, flexible, and energetic individual to serve as Metadata Librarian for Continuing Resources, Scholarship and Data, supporting the system-wide resource access needs of Rutgers University. This position is located on the New Brunswick Campus.

The individual will provide leadership, management, and strategic planning for bibliographic access to print and electronic continuing resources, scholarly papers and presentations, and research data in all formats, ensuring effective and accurate access to these resources in the library?s catalog, institutional repository and forthcoming webscale discovery layer environments. This position will provide metadata for resources in the scholarly information cycle, from research data to scholarly articles and published journals. The successful candidate will collaborate with library and academic faculty to describe and facilitate access to faculty publications and complex research data resulting from grants and other research activities, using the libraries? RUcore cyberinfrastructure. In consultation with other librarians and the Associate University Librarian (AUL), Digital Library Services, this position will:

  • Ensure effective and accurate access to print and electronic continuing resources utilizing AACR2/MARC and RDA, when locally implemented, in the library?s SirsiDynix catalog and forthcoming webscale discovery environment.
  • Work with library liaison faculty, academic faculty and others to understand the current and emerging needs of faculty for access, impact and reuse of scholarly and research resources in the RUcore repository.
  • Engage with library liaison faculty and RUcore managers and developers to design and implement tools, services and support new modes of scholarly communication , education and research at Rutgers University.
  • Develop application profiles and strategies to integrate continuing resources (e.g., journals, newspapers, yearbooks) into the Libraries? RUcore repository.
  • Define metadata requirements for research data and scholarly publications, establish application profiles and develop vocabularies to ensure a heavily used interdisciplinary institutional repository.
  • Collaborate with other metadata librarians to develop ontology services for a wide range of education and research needs.
  • Provide leadership and management to the Continuing Resources, Scholarship and Research Metadata unit of Central Technical Services, consisting of two full-time staff catalogers.
  • Participate in library committees, provide training and leadership within the department, and coordinate the provision of metadata services provided by departmental staff to a wide range of digital projects.
  • Remain abreast of current technologies and trends and represent the libraries in professional associations and at conferences in this area.

This tenure track faculty position reports to the AUL for Digital Library Systems, is a member of the Technical and Automated Services (TAS) library faculty, and will work closely in teams with the Centralized Technical Services and Scholarly Communication units. The successful candidate must demonstrate a commitment to scholarship through research, conference presentations, and publications. The individual must also demonstrate a commitment to continual professional development through participation in and leadership in the work of relevant professional associations and service to RUL and the university.

QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent is required. A minimum of three years? library experience, including resource description; proven familiarity and direct experience with digital library collections and institutional repositories; knowledge of metadata standards such as AACR2, RDA, MODS, and Dublin Core required. The successful candidate must possess excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to work collegially in a team-oriented environment. Successful experience in providing metadata description to a variety of digital resources, including scholarly publications, research data, and print and electronic continuing resources is strongly preferred. Supervisory or team management experience is preferred. Demonstrated commitment to fostering diversity is required. Candidates who have had successful experience in the design and delivery of services for diverse populations will be given preference. The successful candidate must be eligible to work in the United States.

SALARY/STATUS: Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

BENEFITS: Faculty status, twelve-month appointment, retirement plan, life/health insurance, prescription drug, dental and vision plans, tuition remission, 22 vacation days annually.

LIBRARY PROFILE: The Rutgers University Libraries, comprising libraries on the University?s Camden, New Brunswick, and Newark campuses, all reporting to the Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian, operate as a unified library system with coordinated public, technical services, and collection development programs including digital initiatives and a pioneering institutional repository. The Libraries have highly valued staff of about 300
who are committed to developing innovations in access services, information literacy and digital initiatives. The Libraries operate with a budget of $28 million and outstanding collections especially in jazz and New Jerseyana. The Rutgers University Libraries are a member of ARL, CRL, Lyrasis, Metro, NERL, and VALE, and use Sirsi Dynix and OCLC as primary bibliographic utilities and Fedora repository software. In concert with the integration of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey into Rutgers University, the libraries connected with those schools in Newark and New Brunswick will become part of the Rutgers University Libraries system as of July 1, 2013. The combined enrollment across all three campuses is more than 58,000 students from all 50 states and 125 countries working toward degrees in 28 schools and colleges with an overall emphasis on arts and sciences. The Rutgers University New Brunswick campus is the largest of the three regional campuses, supporting over 33,000 graduate and undergraduate students, in approximately 100 undergraduate programs, more than 80 graduate/professional programs, and 60 doctoral programs as a Carnegie Classification Research University (very high research activity) campus. Rutgers University is a member of the Association of American Universities and is an ADVANCE institution, committed to increase diversity and the participation and advancement of women in the STEM disciplines. Rutgers is also a member of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), the nation?s premier higher education consortium of top tier research institutions, composed of members of the Big Ten Conference plus the University of Chicago.


Lila Fredenburg (APP. 211), Director of Administrative Services
Rutgers University Libraries
169 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163
FAX: 732-932-7637

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer.? The Libraries are strongly and actively committed to diversity, and seek candidates who will contribute creatively to the University?s multicultural environment.

Written by: Darlene Davis on June 19, 2013.


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