Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jawbone buys Massive Health and Visere to boost app design for wearables

Jawbone Up app

Jawbone has been making real progress on the software for its tentative steps into wearable technology like the Up bracelet, but it's safe to say there's some room to grow. The company might just feel the same way in the wake of two key acquisitions centered on app interfaces and design. It just bought Massive Health, best known for its crowdsourced food app The Eatery, and Visere, a design house recognized for its work on both hardware and software. While Jawbone hasn't yet outlined its plans beyond scooping up the "best talent" for app development, Massive Health expects to maintain its namesake focus -- it doesn't see much work on Bluetooth audio in its future. However things shake out, it's clear software is about to play a larger role for our ears, wrists and beyond.

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Source: GigaOM

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/05/jawbone-buys-massive-health-and-visere-to-boost-its-app-design/

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